Improving Academic Performance

Insightful Articles on All Things Improving Academic Performance

7 Easy Tips To Improve Your Child's Vocabulary

Building a strong vocabulary is one of the keys to helping your child’s comprehension, even if they are too young to read. Think of it this way: you’re laying the groundwork early to he...

How Compliments & Praise Can Aid Learning In Children

Children thrive on praise. They love to feel like they are doing something right, especially if it’s something new they’re learning. In fact, there are many things to understand about h...

What Impact Do Arts & Crafts Have On A Child's Development?

Arts and crafts are so much fun for young minds. Painting, shaping clay, making papier-mâché, or getting creative with crafts are activities kids tend to adore. Art and craft time is a...

What Is Corbettmaths (And Why Is It So Effective)?

For as long as math has been taught in traditional schools, there have been some students that grasp it right away and others that need a little extra help. While math is typically universal, many ...

Should Kids Be Allowed Access To Their Cell Phones During School?

Smartphones are everywhere these days. Who would have believed just a few decades ago that everyone, from little kids to the elderly, would have so much computing power in the palm of their hands? ...

Why Reading To Your Children Is So Important

Children are basically sponges. They will soak up everything in their environment that you provide for them, and their minds are constantly at work to take in the language and lessons they’re...