February 21, 2022

February 21, 2022

Should Kids Be Allowed Access To Their Cell Phones During School?

Smartphones are everywhere these days. Who would have believed just a few decades ago that everyone, from little kids to the elderly, would have so much computing power in the palm of their hands? There’s no doubt that smartphones have changed the landscape of the world in many ways, but they’ve been a challenge for a lot of schools.

Should phones be allowed in school? Why is it bad to have a phone in school? Are cellphones helpful in schools? These are the questions a lot of parents, teachers, and school administrators ask themselves. The truth is, there’s no right or wrong answer, as there are definite pros and cons to allowing kids of all ages to have phones in school. Here’s what you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of allowing phones in schools.

Should Kids Be Allowed Access To Their Cell Phones During School?
There’s no blanket rule about cell phones in schools, as it differs from one district to the next. Some schools do have written policies that ban the use of phones at school, while others simply restrict access to phones during school hours, or will allow kids to have their phones as long as they’re turned off during class.

The truth of the matter is that most kids bring their phones to school even if they’re banned, so it’s an area that needs to be addressed. Phones aren’t absolutely terrible for kids to have at school, but there are some circumstances where they’re not great, either. It really depends on the child and their age, as their maturity and device use have a major impact on whether having access to their phone at school is a help or a hindrance.

The Pros Of Phones In Schools
There are good reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school. Some of the pros of phones in schools include:

  • They can assist with learning – Children need to learn to harness technology for their future success, both in and out of school. When kids have access to their cell phones, they also have access to a lot of information they can use for research and learning. Plus, many apps, video tutorials, and other tools can be accessed to help with interactive learning.
  • They’re good in emergencies – Unfortunately, emergencies do happen, and having a cell phone at the ready can be useful in an emergency for the student’s personal safety. It gives peace of mind to both children and parents if students have a device that can allow them to call for help if needed.
  • They can easily do research – A classroom education is valuable, but it’s not all students need to know. Kids must learn how to research topics on their own, and having a cell phone at their disposal is a good way to do that research in real time.
  • They create many opportunities for social learning – Kids are social animals, and while many parents have concerns about how they may use social media, there are valuable lessons to be learned through internet use. After all, kids can be a part of various online discussion forums, groups, and pages that can help them to fully grasp concepts they may not understand completely on their own. They can get help from their peers when it comes to homework, too, which is always a good thing!
  • They can be used for multimedia learning – Most cell phones have internet access, and when students are completing classwork, their teacher can guide them to different sites online that can help. Visual learning is a great way to take in a lot of information, and it’s available very easily online with the use of a cell phone.
  • They’re great for notes – Voice notes are the way of the future! Instead of taking notes by hand, students can download programs that transcribe a teacher’s lecture into notes for later review. It’s a great way to make sure they don’t miss a thing.

The Cons Of Phones In Schools
While cell phones are here to stay, that doesn’t always mean that they’re appropriate for learning. As discussed above, there are some good reasons to allow cell phones in schools, but it’s important to understand how they can negatively impact learning, too.

Some of the cons of allowing phones in schools include:

  • Bullying – Bullying has been a problem in schools for decades. The introduction of cell phones and social media has exacerbated this problem for a lot of kids. It has created a new platform where the bully doesn’t even have to be in the same room to harass a fellow student – they can email, text, or use social media.
  • Cheating – Having information at your fingertips is a good thing, unless you’re supposed to already know that information! Access to cell phones in schools may encourage cheating, making it easier to get the information a student needs to complete a test or quiz.
  • Misuse – Technology is a great thing, but it can be misused. Kids might get involved in things online that they never usually would have, such as sending threats, bullying, or even illegal activity. It may sound farfetched, but remember that the internet has a lot of content that isn’t appropriate for kids, and they may get easily lured in.

Technology is changing, and it’s up to parents, schools, and students to collaborate and decide what works best – including the use of cell phones.

Featured image by Sam Battaglieri on Unsplash