Connecting with students based on common interests and-or common opinions helps realize my goals in teaching. I enjoy conversing on relevant topics with each student. I emphasize pronunciation above all in learning English. Visuals are important - that is photos, art work, actual objects we might discuss, etc. My Masters Degree in TESL Education led to 30 years at all levels teaching English.
Foreign Language
Teachers1on1™ Verified Teacher
Background Check Complete
Bartlesville | Oklahoma
Languages Spoken
Teacher of Adults (18+)
Cambly (Online)
Teacher (all levels) of students (some non-English speakers) impacted by Domestic Violence
Shelter from the Storm
Teacher of English as a Second Language (high school and adults-only night classes)
Coachella Valley Unified Schools (California)
Masters of Education (English/TESL)
in Teaching English as a Second Language