May 20, 2021
May 20, 2021
The way students are taught hasn’t changed that much since the dawn of schooling. The model of traditional education has been typically teacher-centered in its approach, with instruction generally delivered by one person to a group of students. Traditional education isn’t flexible in nature and relies heavily on widespread learning as opposed to personalized learning.
Although this type of educational delivery may work in some instances, it doesn’t take into account the many factors that go into getting a good education and learning to the point of ability. This is especially true because of the various types of learners. Not everyone thrives in a traditional learning environment, and this leaves some students to fall behind on lessons – not because they are unable to learn the material, but because they would be better suited to a different delivery method.
The typical and most-utilized form of teaching is called mainstream education. But what is mainstream education exactly, and how does it affect the overall education of the population?
What is mainstream education?
A mainstream school typically consists of similar or conventional ideas and lessons that each and every student who goes through the school will receive. Students will all belong in the same category (generally sorted by age), regardless of academic ability or learning style.
All students of the same age are taught the same lesson plans in the same way. The grading system is also applied to all students equally. There are some advantages and some disadvantages to this style of learning.
Some students don’t benefit in traditional schooling systems because there are many different types of learning that require different styles of teaching.
Advantages of mainstream schools
There are many advantages of mainstream schools, and the education system has functioned through them for centuries because they have been so effective. In a mainstream school, there is a more defined structure and real-world type environment that can help students prepare for life after their education. There are also more opportunities for students to connect to peers because mainstream schools tend to be bigger than alternative education centers.
Mainstream schools are also typically more diverse than alternative schools and are typically built around inclusion, which is a great life skill for students to learn at a young age. Some may also say that the challenges presented in mainstream schools when it comes to class sizing and learning give students the ability to reach their full potential.
Disadvantages of mainstream schools
Though mainstream education has its advantages, it also has its downsides. One of the most obvious has to do with the synchronicity of teaching. If a student happens to fall behind for any reason, there is less of an opportunity to get individual help on the subject, thus creating a domino effect of not fully grasping the material before moving on to the next lesson. This can also lead to failing grades if students continue to struggle to keep up with their peers.
In mainstream schools, there is also not a lot of room for interactive lesson plans because of the education model under which classes operate. This can cause an unfair disadvantage for many students who thrive in interactive learning settings when it comes to learning the course material. Traditional schooling can also operate under the rule of memorization as opposed to absorption of the material. This means that many students may memorize facts and figures without ever truly understanding the course material.
As mentioned above, larger class sizes can make learning more difficult. Although they can be helpful for some students in creating a challenge to rise to, for others a large class can lead to exclusion, failure, and an inability to keep up with the work.
What are some alternative approaches to education?
There are a few alternative education models to traditional schooling. One such alternative education approach is the Montessori-style education center, which focuses solely on students and their choices, giving students the freedom to choose how they learn. Students in a Montessori-style system become drivers on their educational path. Similarly, the Waldorf method focuses on preparing children for life as opposed to the next grade of their education (although some people believe that this style of schooling mimics religion as opposed to an educational system).
Harkness education methods provide students with the ability to actively engage in subject material. This is typically achieved through students and teacher sitting around a table and discussing any and all subject material. This gives students the ability to form opinions and develop critical thinking skills; since class sizes are small, everyone feels able to participate.
The Sudbury method gives children the reins and they decide what they learn, how they learn it, how they’re graded, and even school rules in a democratic-esque environment. This model operates under the assumption that students are inherently driven to learn and will thrive in an environment that allows them to do so freely.
Online learning has also become a popular new alternative style of education and relies on technology to teach students what they need to know. Through interactive lesson plans, gamification, and even virtual reality, students are digitally immersed in their education.
When students are engaged in discussion, as is the case with some forms of alternative education, they are able to form opinions and absorb material better.
Mainstream education vs alternative education
Since there is a huge contrast between mainstream and alternative education in many ways, deciding which one is the better route to take for the future of education can be difficult. It has been proposed that although one model may not be superior to the other in all ways, both bring their own optimal teaching styles to the table. Studies have found that both forms of education can work together towards a better educational future, and that competition between the two isn’t a necessity.
By bringing the best elements of alternative education into the mainstream model (such as more class engagement and an integrated education system), learners of all types can receive a fair and effective education.