July 4, 2022
July 4, 2022
Every parent has their own style of parenting, whether it’s something they’re conscious of or not. And while there’s no one correct way to parent a child, there are definitely some pros and cons to each type of parenting style.
One style that tends to get a lot of both positive and negative attention is free-range parenting. But what is free-range parenting, exactly? What does raising kids free-range mean? And ultimately – is free-range parenting a good idea? Read on to find out the answer to these questions and more!
What Is Free-Range Parenting?
The term “free-range parenting” is a buzzword for sure, but what is it exactly? To sum it up, it’s the idea that parents take a step back and let their children explore the world on their own terms, without constantly hovering nearby.
People who put free-range parenting into practice often think of their own childhoods and how they were allowed to run around with their friends until it was dark outside, riding their bikes and maybe even stomping in a few creeks in the woods.
While there’s no one way to do free-range parenting, a lot of the examples you’ve likely heard of are the extreme ones. However, the main focus of free-range parenting, as well as its ultimate goal, is to provide children with freedom from which they can grow and learn.
The Pros and Cons of Free-Range Parenting
There are several pros and cons to free-range parenting, just as there are with any other style. The pros of this approach to parenting children include:
Of course, there are some cons to free-range parenting too. These include:
Can Free-Range Parenting Still Work?
When you get down to it, the world is a much different place than it was a couple of decades ago. That’s not because it’s inherently more dangerous, but because we often simply perceive it as a much more dangerous place. That can make it very challenging to put free-range parenting into practice.
However, if you find that you want to explore more free-range parenting ideas, you simply have to make a few adjustments that require a little bit of common sense. You don’t have to take an all-or-nothing approach. There may be certain circumstances that call for a more free-range attitude, and others where parents should stick closer by. There’s no right way to do it, either. If there’s something that makes you uncomfortable to do as a parent, then simply don’t do it.
Parenting is hard, and as previously mentioned, everybody’s approach is different. As long as you’re focused on raising independent, thoughtful, and strong children, then you’re doing it right – free-range or not!
Featured image by James Wheeler on Unsplash