October 25, 2021

October 25, 2021

Engaging With Nature: 7 Educational Activities To Mark The Changing Of The Leaves

Fall is a great time of year. It’s time to celebrate the end-of-summer harvest, the turning of the leaves, and the start of sweater weather. And don’t forget the apples and pumpkins, of course – especially all things pumpkin spice!

The fall season is also a great opportunity to seize on learning opportunities and crafts that simply can’t be done at any other point. Read on to discover what you can teach your kids about fall, as well as a few fall educational activities that combine fun, learning, and engaging with nature.

The Lessons Fall Brings
Fall is the transitional season between summer and winter. It’s a great opportunity to teach children some central life lessons that they can carry with them into adulthood. These include:

  • Change is inevitable – Fall is a great way to showcase nature as something that is always changing. The leaves that formed last spring must fall to make way for new ones when the next spring rolls around. People and circumstances also change, and it’s something we have to accept in life – a good lesson for children. Encourage kids to roll with change and find the beauty in the things around you that you cannot control.
  • Learning to let go – Kids tend to love summer because it’s all about fun (and no school!). They get to swim, play outside, and likely go on vacations. Fall brings cooler temperatures, the disappearance of green leaves and flowers, and a return to the classroom. Children may be sad to say goodbye to summer, but it’s a great chance to discuss the idea of letting go and embracing what comes next with your child.
  • The cycle of life – Every season must come to an end, and kids can see the changes in the natural world right before their eyes in fall. Seize this opportunity to teach them about the cycle of life. Things die to make way for something new. Some animals gather food to hibernate all winter long. There are so many great things that can be observed in the fall, so make sure to point these things out to your kids.

What Are Some Good Fall Activities?
Fall is an ideal time to get outside and explore due to the temperate weather conditions. Take your kids out in the woods to explore the changing of the fall leaves. Of course, it’s not just the sights of fall that you should help your children attune to, but also the sounds. Just have them listen to see what they can sense that is different about this time of year outdoors.

It’s also harvest time, where fun and unique activities you can’t do at any other time of the year are possible. Take the kids to a pumpkin farm so they can see how pumpkins are grown and harvested. Then have them pick their own that they can use later for some fun fall activities.

A visit to the apple orchard is another great fall activity. You can easily find apple orchards that allow you to pick your own apples. Children can learn about the different types of apples that are grown, how they’re harvested, and the types of things they can be used to make.

Whatever you decide to do, make sure you encourage your children to use all five senses when they’re out exploring the fall. The outdoor learning opportunities this time of the year are endless.

What Crafts Can You Do With Fall Leaves?
With all the leaves currently falling, there’s a great opportunity to do some natural, sustainable craft activities! Most kids love to get creative with a good craft project, so put all those leaves to good use by trying a few of these awesome fall crafts:

  • Leaf drawing – Find some large, sturdy fallen leaves, grab some markers (metallic ones will have an extra-cool effect), then go to town doodling and drawing on them.
  • Leaf lanterns – If you’ve got some old jars or glass containers lying around, make a leaf lantern by gluing some leaves on the vessel and popping a candle inside to create a cool lantern effect.
  • Leaf puppets – Younger kids especially may enjoy this craft that involves popsicle sticks, leaves, and some googly eyes! Simply glue a leaf onto a popsicle stick, add a face, and you’ve got hours of entertainment with a leaf puppet. You may even like to put on a fall-themed puppet show.
  • Leaf painting – Leaves can be used as stamps to paint a picture. Simply gather some leaves, paper, and paint, then use the leaves as stamps to create unique works of art.

For some more fun fall activities involving other materials that are abundant during this season, you can also try:

  • Pumpkin seed art – After you scoop out your pumpkins for carving, save the seeds and dry them out. Then, dye the seeds by placing food coloring in a plastic baggie with the seeds. Once you set them out to dry, take some glue and paper and let your child create a work of art with the colorful seeds.
  • Fall slime – Slime is a sensory activity many kids love, and it’s got some great scientific principles involved that can help your child to understand how ingredients go together to create this gooey substance. You can use fall-themed colors and mix in anything you want.
  • Carving pumpkins – You can’t find a better fall-themed activity than pumpkin carving! Have your child sketch a face on the pumpkin or create an intricate design and then (safely) carve away!

Fall is a beautiful season, so seize this opportunity to get outside and have fun while learning, too!

Featured image by Chris Lawton on Unsplash