Struggling In School

Insightful Articles on All Things Struggling In School

Understanding Dysgraphia In Children: Signs, Symptoms & Diagnosis

There are some learning disabilities that people are familiar with and often know the signs and symptoms for, such as

How Color Blindness Can Affect Information Retention

The ability to retain information is a vital component of schooling. But there are certain factors that can affect how well a person retains information, and unfortunately, if those factors are a h...

Why A Processing Deficit Could Make In-Classroom Learning Difficult For Your Child

If your child doesn’t seem to be learning or processing information as quickly as their classmates, you might be worried that they’re falling behind in their education. However, what yo...

6 Signs Your Child Might Have Dyscalculia (And What Steps You Should Take If You Think That They Do)

For many children, mathematics can be a challenge (most parents are sure to remember their own frustrations in learning long division or percentages). However, for other students, problems with mat...

5 Common Learning Difficulties And How To Overcome Them

School can be difficult even in the best of circumstances. From kindergarten all the way to grad school, learning is a journey that often gets more complicated along the way. But for many children,...