June 28, 2021
June 28, 2021
When you think of learning, the images that probably come to mind are of desks and classrooms with children seated at attention. This is the traditional style of learning that has been implemented for as long as people can remember. Although this style of learning has its benefits and is effective for many students, there are other forms of learning that have yet to be explored in a big way.
One such form of learning is active learning, or the use of exercise while teaching other subjects. This type of learning combines physical exercise and math to help further students’ desire to learn as well as their ability to retain information. A study done in Copenhagen found that one particular physical activity could benefit students’ learning ability greatly. That activity was basketball. But what is the Basketball Mathematics study, exactly? And what does basketball have to do with learning math? Read on to find out.
What is the Basketball Mathematics study?
The Basketball Mathematics study was done by researchers from the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports. The main goal of the study was to integrate basketball and mathematics to determine how well the two could function together as a learning activity. The researchers wanted to explore if playing basketball while learning math could increase a child's motivation to excel in the subject.
In the study, 756 children were chosen to participate. Half played basketball mathematics during gym class once a week for a duration of six weeks, while the other half played basketball without any added learning of math. The class that incorporated mathematics into their basketball games had to perform different mathematical calculations that were closely associated with the different exercises in basketball. An example of one such exercise would be how many times they could get a basket from two separate distances away.
The study found that when the children played basketball with mathematic equations incorporated into it, they were much more motivated to learn math than the children who played basketball alone. They were also much more motivated to learn math in the classroom. The children in the mathematics class were also more determined to succeed at math equations, and that extra self-determination paid off: the students who played basketball mathematics improved by 6% over classroom-based study. This means that not only were children who played basketball mathematics more motivated to learn, they were also more successful in that learning.
What is active learning math?
Active learning is a facet of education that aims to gives students a way to participate in lesson plans. In active learning, students are generally more engaged in the process, which in turn helps them retain information and stay motivated throughout lessons.
As evidenced in the Basketball Mathematics study, creating a math lesson centred around student engagement can benefit the learning process. This is because students are actively participating in the information being presented as opposed to just passively listening to their teacher relay the lessons they need to learn. Offering students a hands-on approach that is also incorporated in gameplay makes learning more fun, and improves their motivation.
Exercise and learning
The results of the Basketball Mathematics study indicate that there might be a direct correlation between learning and physical exercise. There have been many studies done on the impacts of exercise in brain development as well as learning ability; however, research defining the combination of the two as a positive way to increase students’ ability to learn and retain information are not as readily available.
With traditional learning, students may face certain challenges. This is why, over the past few decades, those in the educational system have been looking for ways to stimulate further learning for children, with the focus heavily on exercise and learning as separate activities that may pose separate benefits. This study shows that more research into the integration of exercise and learning should be done as a way to further explore the opportunities for better and more successful education approaches for students.
What kind of math is used in basketball?
Many people may fail to see the connection between math and basketball. But math is very prevalent in the sport, as it is in many others. There are various facets of mathematics to be found in basketball that could help students learn, such as geometry, statistics, addition, and subtraction – all basic types of math that can be found in your everyday game.
When using basketball as a way to teach geometry, for example, students can learn the dimensions of a basketball court and how that affects the game, the diameter of the hoop and how that may affect how someone sinks a basket from a certain distance, or even the best angle to take when shooting.
The Basketball Mathematics study utilized a unique combination of sport and math to help further students’ understanding of an academic topic through physical activity. By using these types of active math games, students at various levels can be given the opportunity to see learning math not as a chore, but as something fun to participate in.
Featured image by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash